Tuesday 18 September 2012

Bits and Pieces by Susan L.

Writing this blog surprises me every day. (Twice today because I need tomorrow off). There is always inspiration, always an idea. I just plop myself pen in hand in front of my journal. That's how it starts and I wait and listen... I see my therapist tomorrow which is why this entry is being done now. We've been together a long time but it takes time to build a new life with new understandings. It takes time to let go, to grieve, to be angry, to be repentant, to be able to trust. Mostly the time has been invested in understanding and growing in the vision of how God sees me. That takes practice, this believing good things about outselves. It takes mistakes and more sometimes starting all over again It just takes time. The best thing? There are no deadlines. i am that i am. "Gather the fragments that remain, so nothing is lost." Jn 6:12

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Boundary Study Part 2

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