Wednesday 5 December 2012

Side Order by Susan L.

Yesterday a conversation took place at the centre. I asked if anyone would mind me blogging about it. Confidentiality is very important to those of us who go there so, with permission and some artistic license (my memory ain't what it used to be) here goes: "I am suffering from insomnia. I've started a new medication and one of the side effects is insomnia. That's all I need! Why can't side effects be more like this?" "You will get the perfect amount of sleep and will wake feeling rested and alert. There will be no weight gain. In fact your weight will automatically settle at the perfect size and shape of a super model. Your mind will become as sharp as a tack; complicated math problems will be a breeze. You will be able to remember where you left your purse or keys or what you needed the moment you enter a store. Lactation will occur only if you are a nursing mother. You will not shake or twitch except on the dance floor. Eyesight will parallel that of a bald eagle. Your hair will become thick and shiny. The only concern about liver and kidneys is how to get your kids to eat them!" At the time we were all laughing, so able to relate. It does the heart good to poke some fun at the trials we face. However, and I am sure this is the story for all medications no matter the illness, it can be a tough call to decide whether or not to take the stuff when the phisical cost can be so very high. I pray my friend will find what is needed to improve the quality of their life with minimal side effects to contend with. Medications do perform a much needed role after all in helping us live with illness; mental or otherwise. "So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, will deliver you."" Dan 6:16

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...