Monday 8 July 2013

Surprises by Susan L.

Late last night, the plaintive mews of a kitten had me searching the yard. I found a young, week old (?) kitten inside a vertical piece of metal, stainless steel chimney that I use as a retaining wall/garden decoration. He (?) was wet from the rain, hypothermic and crying loudly. It doesn't bode well for his feral mother who I haven't seen for a couple of days. For a baby animal of any kind to cry so loudly means there hasn't been any contact with the mother for quite some time. Hopefully I found him soon enough. My farm skills have come in handy. Using a hair dryer and vigorous rubbing, he warmed up nicely. A quick race to the 24 hour grocery store got lactose free milk. I'd wanted goat's milk because lactose is toxic to most animals. It's been a long time since I did a 4 AM feeding. He hasn't had much but he's still alive this morning.... LATER IN THE DAY I popped into the local pet food place and picked up kitten milk replacer. And a teeny, tiny bottle. The eye dropper makes too much mess. Wet, warm tummy rubs have gotten his bowels moving. Young kittens need this stimulation and I have to do what momma cat would have done until his eyes open and he can use a litter box. My friend had just given me a small pet carrier for Pumpkin. Again, Divine provision. It will keep the little one safe until, God willing, he gets bigger. So far so good. He's a feisty, pure black kitten who now has the name. "Soot". "Even so it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." Mat 18:14

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...