Sunday 12 January 2014

Clean Sweep by Susan L.

  I continued with my housecleaning yesterday doing jobs that have been set aside for far too long. My kitchen cupboards are wiped out and reorganized. I purged my fridge and cleaned inside. New foil liners now sit under the stove elements. It's not that all this stuff was excessively dirty but it was rather cluttered. There's now a box waiting to go to one of the second hand shops in town. I have no idea why I had three tea pots! It's strange what accumulates over time.
  I am thankful my kitchen is tiny because in previous homes all of this would have been a monumental task. Same with the fridge. Living on my own means that most of the time it is rather empty except for a few various jars of jam, pickles and other condiments. It does make cleaning easy!
  Later today I'll tackle the pantry cupboard. Closed doors have allowed it to get rather disorganized  which surprises me. Oh! Now I know why: this task is usually done in the summer as my garden harvest was preserved and set aside for winter. Not having a garden meant no preserves therefore no organization. It feels strange because in the last thirty years there's always been something set aside except when I didn't have my own place.
  I have a feeling there's more things in there for the second hand store as well. It's more than a food pantry. It's storage for other items as well. I forget who told me that living in a small house means when something new is brought in, something has to go. I'm a bit behind on the "Go" part but that's okay. It will all get done.
  "But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates." Prov 31:30-31

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Boundary Study Part 2

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