Tuesday 20 May 2014

Devotional by Susan L.

  One of the ladies at the Writer's Nest suggested I write a devotional for people living with depression. The idea has been percolating ever since because my fiction book has sort of fizzled for the moment. The biggest question is: what would it look like?
  I've been handed devotionals on different occasions, particularly when I've been in a tough spot. Bless the writers for doing them but I have found they can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe I'm going about reading them the wrong way. A page a day I believe is how they are supposed to be read. That page a day, within a book three hundred and sixty five pages long knocks the wind out of my already listless sails.
  So, first of all, the size needs to be manageable. Say, a month long. Thirty-one entries. Not just for the reader, but for the writer as well.
  I also find it difficult some days to concentrate on words, for them to make sense. Especially when I am running on overwhelm. Could art and imagery be part of a devotional? What would the images be? Hmmm, I have plenty of black and white graphic art to pull from within a series of illustrated poems I did several years ago. Because of the size, it wasn't financially viable to have it printed. They were designed to be coloured. How about a smaller version for a smaller book? Colouring is a great grounding and meditation tool.
  "Finding God in the Dark".
  Thank You, Lord for that little inspiration. Grant me the wisdom to understand what You desire for me to do.  In Jesus Name I pray.
  "He said: I am "The voice of one crying in the wilderness; Make straight the way of the Lord.'" Jn 1:23


  1. Sounds like a fantastic idea to me! I too find most daily devotionals too much to handle. One simple thought would be enough - say, a scripture and its point, to be my day's focus. One picture, or one image to colour, to connect me with God. Sometimes less is more, and keeping it simple could be invaluable.

  2. I too think it is a great idea. I agree that most books are too much to handle and like the other post states, less is more.

    When you are down, really down in the depths of depression, the books are too daunting. It just makes you feel worse - that you couldn't even handle a simple devotional. Even a page of words can be too much.

    Suggestion: make it move page by page, in a small progression. Start super, super simple and gentle and inviting. Perhaps just a simple picture and move on. Then add words, then scripture. Perhaps a provoking statement to write one word on how they are feeling.

    When I was in the pit, I needing something outside of me. Something life giving. Yes - we all know that is God - but I couldn't see Him. (He was there - but I was not totally present.) So for a week all I did was listen for a bird. Any bird - a few notes, a few chirps. I concentrated now and then until that simple goal was met. Then I looked out the window for a bird. Any bird - a robin, a sparrow. After a week of that I looked for and watched for a bird. Watch its bobbing and jumping. The whole time I thought of God - God sees the little birds - God cares for the little birds God cares for me. It was a progression. Easy goals that made me feel better - and brought life.

    I hope that throws a log or two on your fire of inspiration.

    Write what you know - and if it blesses others - Wow!

    1. Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful recovery story. God bless you.

  3. I know you enough to know that WHATEVER you come up with would be a blessing to me... One simple thought - an image to colour? That would be so awesome. Talk about coming to Him as a little child...


Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...