Monday 26 May 2014

Shedding Stress by Susan L.

  My big project this summer is to build a new garden shed. The small aluminum one that was beaten up by a fallen tree last summer is inadequate. And leaky. By the time I toss my snow tires in and the lawn mower, there's no room left for anything else. It's a big project which involves a fair bit of cleanup before dismantling the current shed can even begin. It was overwhelming to the point of paralysis.
  Silly me. I always seem to think everything needs to be done at once.
  With a stroke of Divine Genius, I tidied up some of the stuff that had been tossed behind it or should I say, moved it to the driveway for a trip to the dump. It'll be nice to get rid of an eyesore. It'll be even better to have a place to keep all my gardening tools together without having to trip over everything else.
  If I do a bit at a time, it won't seem such a huge task. A half hour here and there is doable.
  The dump trip does double duty. They offer free mulch. Using that on the flower beds would eliminate a lot of weeding and watering. Again, helping with the sense of overwhelm I've been living with these past few weeks.
  It's still there but the Lord is guiding me into living with a simpler life. Simple solutions, simple demands that can be fulfilled by only focusing on one small task at a time. I have no idea why I ever thought it possible to do more than that.
  "But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand." Is 64:8


  1. I like your play on words that you are shedding (the) stress about the shedding stress :)

  2. Ha! Ha! Totally unintentional!

  3. I like the saying: "Inch by inch - it is a cinch. Yard by yard - it is hard." I hope you realize your goal come September.


Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...