Thursday 26 June 2014

Huge Relief by Susan L.

  I am so thankful to have a son who is tech savvy. We got my laptop up and operating yesterday via a teleconference. In a flash of understanding I realised why it was acting up so I've made a note to self: don't close the lid until the machine is totally shut down. That's the only thing I've done differently that could have caused the laptop to act up. It was slightly confused. To sleep or not to sleep, that was the question.
  Now, if only I could find something to write about...Lord, please inspire me.
  There's the mundane, the chore list. There's the check in around how I am feeling this morning, still somewhat depressed and overwhelmed. My place needs some TLC inside and out. Windows need washing, gardens need weeding, camp stuff can be put away, clutter needs to be purged. Yup, plenty to do but the outside stuff will have to wait until it dries up after the rain of the last couple of days.
  Apparently another tornado touched down just south of here during Tuesday's ferocious storm; not as bad as the one north of here that hit last week but still damaging. My thoughts and prayers, once again, go out to those affected.
  I don't like thunderstorms and I was glad I was at the Centre on Tuesday when the storm rumbled through. Three quarters of an inch of rain fell in a matter of minutes. The sky turned dark enough for the streetlights to come on. The wind formed miniature whitecaps on the water flooding the street. It was brief but ferocious.
  It leaves me wondering how many more there will be this season. Hopefully none.
  "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority." Acts 1:7

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...