Friday 8 August 2014

Shingles by Susan L.

  No, not the chicken pox virus kind of shingles, but actual shingles. More shed talk.
  It's not that tall a building but I confess I am nervous about going on the roof. It's not that I am afraid of heights. Ladders don't bother me and I am quite comfortable working while standing on the second to top rung. The roof is only one step higher and far more stable than a step ladder. My tall extension ladder will make it easy to get up there, no gymnastics required just a simple step from rung to roof.
  I suppose being uncomfortable will mean I will be that much more cautious and therefore safer. I'll ask my neighbour to keep an ear out for me should a need for help arise. Once up, everything should be fine. It's taking that first step.
  Ha. Doesn't that apply to a lot of things in life.
  I never got comfortable around the farm equipment. The tractor's drive shaft was a pretty scary piece of powerful. A friend's wife got her shirt wrapped up in one. Thankfully it was an old work shirt that tore but she still ended up with broken ribs and a cracked collar bone as she got pulled in. It could have been much worse and sadly, worse has happened to those who got comfortable.
  The same with the power tools I've been using for the big build. I've seen too many missing fingers on those who let their attention wander. The watchwords are: take care and be safe. If I am too tired as well, it's time to put things away.
  All this concern is a bit premature. There's still work to be done before the shingles can go on. I need to lay my hands on a bit of roofing paper that will go on first, the aluminum drip edge needs to be installed and the particle board needs to be nailed down fully. That last task couldn't be completed until the shed walls were solid and secure.
  "I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge and discretion." Prov 8:12

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