Friday 24 October 2014

The Sky by Susan L.

  Yesterday was mostly spent out side working in the garden. The sky was that shade which only blesses us this time of year: a depthless, crystal clear, deep blue that takes your breath away. There wasn't a cloud in sight. The sun lit yellow/red/orange of the sugar maples positively glowed against the rich backdrop of the heavens. Yup, it was a beautiful day, one for the memory bank.
  Memory in a business bank. Where there are forgotten accounts, or ones with compound interest that keep on paying out. Where memory items are stored with charges and surcharges. Or like a nest egg, grows over time: the classic fish tale.
  Where is this leading, Lord?
  If you ask individual people who attended a gathering what they remember, everyone has a different account. The police know this very well. Rarely do two people agree on what happened at say, a bank robbery.
  Ask anyone who has sat through a sermon what the key point was and it will be something uniquely applicable to them and their lives. The Holy Spirit reaches in where there's need for some TLC: tender loving changes.
  Memory is never wrong even though it is shaped because of our experiences, our personalities, and history. It's our memory, our story as narrated by us.
  Here's the neat part, our feelings attached to various events can be changed.
  Most of the worst times in my life have been turned into treasured events where I now find comfort. It amazes me really. It wasn't an easy journey, to sit in the midst of trauma; my memories as crystal clear as the day they happened. But it was worth it because the purpose was to find Jesus in these situations. He revealed Himself every time.
  He has been there every day of my life, good and bad. There's something reassuring to find out there truly has been Someone to watch over me, that He continues to look down out of a clear and unbelievably blue sky.
  "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Jn 14:1-2

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Boundary Study Part 2

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