Thursday 12 February 2015

An Every Day Miracle by Susan L.

  It wasn't a big thing.
  It ended up being huge.
  I stopped at the grocery store yesterday on my way into work. Wednesdays are a short shift so it seemed a better idea to go then instead of this morning. The grocery store I don't like has the best store brand, family sized lasagna so in I went to get it and the makings for a salad. Not feeling so great, the store felt even more massive than it is as it took a hike from one end to the other to pick up my two items.
  The lasagna was on sale! An unexpected bonus!
  Heading to the check-out, I thought it would be nice to have some garlic bread or crusty rolls to go with the rest of lunch. It would mean re-tracing my steps. It didn't take long to realize there was no energy left for that. The thought of the additional purchase fell to the wayside.
  I arrived at work and unlocked the door. As I turned the alarm off, a black shadow whipped past the corner of my eye. It would appear that a squirrel had moved in. I opened the front door wide hoping he'd run outside but it appeared he had gone down into the basement.
  As I went to unload the groceries from the car a community member pulled up concerned that the front door was lying wide open and...this is the good part...she wondered if I might like a donation of bread for the centre. She had been given a trunkful but had no freezer to store it. There were bagels, croissants, and a great big bag of dinner rolls.
  I smiled, grateful for the donation. Inside, the smile was even bigger, knowing that God had orchestrated the whole thing. And true to His nature, He had filled my need a thousand fold.
  As for the squirrel, my co-worker had gotten a hold of a pest control company. There was a live trap in the back room which I moved over to near the basement door, re-baited and re-set. I wonder if he'll regard the crackers and peanut butter as his own manna from heaven? At least until the trap slams shut!
  "I have heard the complaints of the children of Israel. Speak to them, saying, "At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread. And you shall know that I am the Lord your God."" Ex 16:12

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Boundary Study Part 2

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