Thursday 19 February 2015

Column by Susan L.

  My deadline is today for the newspaper column. At least, it's the deadline I have given myself. That way the paper has it before the first of the month. It's proving challenging to come up with a topic each month focusing on mental health and awareness. February's column was all about psychosis although I haven't seen it in the paper yet. Hopefully it'll be in today's because it's a subject that frightens the pants off a lot of people.
  The media does a good job of feeding the public fear of psychosis by portraying violent crimes as the sole domain of a psychotic break. I did some research for this and discovered many other reasons for psychosis. It is simply the mind checking out of  conscious awareness. Things like a high fever or Alzheimers can cause such a break. Drugs and alcohol can do the same only it's called a black out when that happens.
  It's far more common than I thought. It's such a blessing to do something that gives me a chance to learn as I go along.
  Not feeling well, I was in a bit of a quandary about what to write about for this month so with some gentle nudging from within, aka the Holy Spirit, I asked the centre's visitors for ideas. One of them came up with the idea of "spring cleaning". It grabbed my imagination so that's what March's column will be about. I'm not quite sure about the details but they'll come once I sit in front of the laptop and get down to the business of writing.
  "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." Ps 37:5

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