Sunday 22 February 2015

Done Deal by Susan L.

  I had my meeting yesterday. It was more of a casual conversation where I shared a bit of my testimony. It went well so today I'll be introduced as a new member of Faith Community Church. That gives me the right to vote today on the future of the church. There are two other people joining as well which is a good thing. There's hope for the church even though we are without a pastor at the moment.
  Have you ever felt when you do something out of the ordinary that it feels like it is exactly what you should be doing? That's how this is for me despite the nervousness I always face when making any sort of commitment or decision. This whole situation is way outside my comfort zone. Surprisingly, I am okay with that. There's definitely a Divine Hand at work despite the nervous anxiety that is niggling away at my subconscious.
  One of the questions on the application form was about the area of ministry I felt passionately called to serve in. That was a tough one for me to answer. My response simply was that I had a willingness to serve wherever or whenever I could as I was able. "I hope that's enough" was how I ended my answer.
  They were fine with that. A willing heart is all that is required.
  Isn't that all God asks of us, too? To have a willing heart that is open to the leading of the Holy Spirit? It means we can change and grow as people. It means allowing the process of healing and restoration to take place. It means we can let go of control and hate and all the things that are toxic to our lives. It means we are willing to be corrected and ask for forgiveness. It means we are able to embrace that forgiveness and be forever changed.
  Our God is an awesome God! Amen!
  "For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."" Rom 10:10-11

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