Saturday 14 March 2015

Morning Rush by Susan L.

  As the sun creeps up over the trees, the water begins to burble. Ditches, streams and rivers fill their banks with fast and deep running water. Snow banks crumble under the assault of much missed warmth. Patches of earth and pasture peek out. Noisy flocks of seagulls swoop down searching for delectable tidbits uncovered by the sun.
  The buried drain pipe for my sump pump runs through the front yard to the culvert that passes under the road. The constant flow of water must stop the ground from freezing because it's the first area to melt and expose the grass, or what's left of it. The running water must make a toasty environment under the snow. The entire length is marked by miniature mole tunnels and little piles of excavated dirt. It's nice to know my basement's water issues keep someone happy!
  It won't be long before spring clean-up outside begins. My neighbour's ditch will be the first to rake because it is littered with bark and broken branches from the tree that fell this winter. The tree was in my yard. It's the least I can do. They chopped up the massive trunk and helped clear the road when it fell.
  This year's project is the finishing touch of new flower beds in front of the shed. They'll need to be dug up and planted. I've plenty of time to think about what to put in them. That part of the yard is still buried under a foot of snow!
  But best of all is being able to have bare foot moments in the garden and feeling the sun warmed earth and grass beneath my feet. Life at it's finest!
  "For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land." Song 2:11-12

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