Sunday 5 April 2015

Oh, Holy Day by Susan L.

The Roman guard appointed,
To appease the Pharisees,
Spewing doubt,
Profaning God,
Pilate, once more, did please…

Soldiers, four… stand watch,
Guarding immoveable stone,
   By “Powers High”:
                Satin cord and wax.

Polished armor gleams,
          Tiny suns, glaring. 
             Noonday heat punishes.
      Sweat         Beads
            Streaming along creases
               Of craggy, weatherworn skin.
                                                 Dusty riverbeds
Cleansed by their passage.

      Swarm, pester, buzz with intent
        To partake of these salty waters.
                                      Hot winds
                   Stir clouds of grit;
            Dust devils
                           Fill eyes watering… to blindness.

Restless, puzzled, simple men mock
Order’s folly.
 He, whom is guarded,
                    Is Dead.

    Contempt drapes its fabric
             On their hearts,
             On their minds,
     Whispering foul words.
        Coarse humor
Spews forth
Ridiculing those who mourn,
Watching, waiting, hoping.

The moon invades: heatless light,
     Hidden creatures,
   Men shiver,
                                     Rough robes held tight, pacing
    Back and forth endlessly.

 The light of torches
                         Unveils macabre images,
                  Keeping fear… Alive.

New faces, somehow the same,
Crude jokes, duty,
Exchanged.  Groaning, mumbling
This onerous task received,
Sleep heavy minds clouded and dull.

                  Are viewed warily, askance.
                      Eyes       flick      about,
   Nervous in this hour.

                                                 Birds chatter hesitantly,
                                                 Testing a hope of day.

Eastern heavens labour
        To birth the dawn,
        Torches sputter…smoke
      Blending with mist.

A pair of shadows, entwined,
                               Emerge from the ethereal haze.
     Mother and friend
     Against the chill.
     Sorrow, anticipation,
     At war in their countenance

                    This Third Day.

The sentinels sneer, eyes roll, dishonoring
This early vigil,
     Haughtily they ridicule the likes
        Of foolish women.

Beams of light
                     Tuck straggling stars to bed,
                Blood reds reclaim the purple sky.
           Golden Glory
      Peers over the horizon.
                   Silent witness
                                 Of events to come:

The Earth snarls;
         Bewildered guards
          To stay afoot.

        What should be solid,
            Now treacherous
               With Wrath.

               The Angel of the Lord appears,
       Blinding white sun-fire,

         The seals, the might of men,



Pride, arrogance, vanish,
    Battle veterans
                 Weeping in terror at the sight
Of this mighty being.
                             Arms flung overhead,
   In futile efforts to shelter…
           To hide.

The Earth Stills.

Shocked… immobile…

     Soldiers humbled, listen;

       The Angel’s voice,
 That of running waters,

 Declares the message from God, 

                “HE IS RISEN!

The ladies’ dedication is blessed.
Quick, delicate footsteps fade……. away…….
Profound silence pervades,
    Broken only by staccato birdsong: 

    Rejoicing, rejoicing.

Cautiously, heads lift from their place
             In the dirt,
        Sand embedded cheeks flushed,
        Surround wide open eyes,
                         Reddened by tears.

        Stale air drifts from the open tomb.

                            They rise:      Four now united.
                                                 Brothers-at-arms….close rank,
 Tentative, quivering, ashamed
  As one…..they enter the gloom.


Irises expand quickly,
  Turning eyes black as the grave.
        Ghostly outlines reveal:


        What they heard:


                  Falling to their knees,

                                    They believe!

Pharisees and silver,
The language of their kind,
Bought the Watch,
The soldiers’ lips,
Did it change their mind?


"Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet have believed."" Jn 20:29

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