Wednesday 23 December 2015

Good Company, Good Food by Susan L.

  Our feast yesterday went off without a hitch. It was wonderful to see so many gathered around the table enjoying the fruits, well, vegetables and turkey and pumpkin pie, of our labour. It was one of the most relaxing meals I'd ever done because so much was done ahead of time. Even though there were two cooks in the kitchen, we managed to each find our niche and split both cooking and cleanup right down the middle without much debate as who was going to do what.
  We had a small discussion about how many green beans to cook and ended up taking a bunch out of the pot and tossing them back in the freezer for another day. It made me smile when the meal was done because there was exactly one serving left. It used to be a standing joke that whenever I cooked, even if there were unexpected guests, there was always one portion left. I called it my unseen boarder's. There was one serving of carrots and one serving of stuffing left as well. Which is pretty good considering we never know how many to expect.
  It was truly a blessing to bless others which is really what the Christmas season is all about after all.
  "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us." Mat 1:23

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