Friday 17 June 2016

A Father Story by Susan L.

 Since writing about the inchworm, my dad came to mind. Once, when we were driving somewhere in the era before mandatory seat belts, we had a rather unusual stowaway. I leaned close to watch a pale green, skinny, less than half an inch inchworm measuring the breadth of my dad's shoulders. They walk rather funny by stretching their body as far as it will go then, by humping up their back, bring their back legs forward. It isn't the most efficient way of moving around but I don't think they have any legs in the middle so it's the best they can do with what God gave them.
  But, by being so unique, these little critters have their own song!
  I remember being delighted with the sight and scooted forward in my seat to have a better look. In the days before iPads and laptops and hand held video games something new in the car was most welcome, especially on long trips! I shared this wonderful discovery with my folks in the front seat.
  My dad freaked out. "Get it off me!" he roared.
  This was a man who coolly picked potato bugs (they're really gross) and tomato worms (even more gross) off plants by hand.  Although my mom informed me that I'd often help him purge the garden of these unwanted pests (ewww!), this was such a tiny little caterpillar his response astounded me!
  I think I protested or tried to assure my dad that it wasn't very big before my mom reached around and brushed it away.
  That's all I remember. I was pretty young.
  He's been gone a long time now. As time has passed, the memories of my dad have faded so having this one come to mind is a wonderful bit of time travel.
  "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" Ps 150:6

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