Friday 3 June 2016

Music of the Night by Susan L.

  Despite the fact that the waters of the Black River are sloshing around me, I decided not to cancel being part of the worship team this week. It's challenged me for sure. There are new flute parts to learn as well as lyrics for a couple other songs. In saying that, after Wednesday's post, practicing alongside the satisfyingly loud, original recordings did much to lift my spirits. It truly does bring much joy despite the added pressure of trying to play or sing the best that I can or getting frustrated when the notes don't quite match.
  It was a long, busy day yesterday. It was community lunch and my turn to cook. A couple of frozen lasagnas and cheesy bread made it easy. As a treat I fought off the mosquitoes and raided my rhubarb patch. A fresh rhubarb crumble capped off the lunch.
  My folks stopped in for a visit last night. My friend H stopped by as well, needing me to help her with a small task. When all was done, the company gone, I practiced some more. It didn't go so well. Hopefully when I run through the pieces before tonight's rehearsal it will be better.
  Feeling overwhelmed and inadequate for the task, I sat down at the piano for a bit. No sheet music, no pre-planning, no rules, no such thing as a wrong note as I simply played my soul's song; somewhat melancholy with shifts between the plaintive sound of minor chords to the laughing delight of joyful majors and brisk arpeggios filled the room.
  Each note was a release, a celebration of the necessity of the good and bad in life: minor/major, positive/negative, yin and yang. Without the dark days, I wouldn't know the light. Without the dark days, I wouldn't know how to step aside and simply be a creator in tune with my Creator. In those moments, when the world around me ceases to exist, worry vanishes, anxiety stops jumping up and down for attention, and the waters of the Black River grow calm.
  Lord, You have given me such a priceless gift. There are no words in the English language sufficient to tell You how thankful I am. Hear my heart, O Lord, it aches with joy.
  "My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Ps 84:2


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