Monday 25 July 2016

Plan Changes by Susan L.

  My hoped for trip down to Nova Scotia this fall with a friend has ended up with the friend not able to go. I was terribly disappointed. The dream had been to rent an RV for a week, to visit Peggy's Cove, to cross over to the Bay of Fundy and spend a few days in Cape Breton.
  I thought to myself, "How can I do this trip solo?"
  The idea of doing all the navigating, driving and trying to see the beauty of the Cabot Trail seemed like a dangerous combination. Never mind the fact it's not much fun to do it on my own. So, I've found a four day bus tour of Cape Breton that includes opportunities for whale watching (something I wanted to do). There's also some hiking and the potential for a boat ride out to Bird Island.
  The price includes accommodations at hostels where there's a chance to cook meals. It'd save on the cost of dining out all the time although I hope there's an opportunity for fresh lobster! The whale watching costs extra as does the boat trip but, because I would be part of a tour, all of us get a discounted rate.
  It also provides companionship. There'd be someone to turn to and say, "Wow! Isn't this lovely!"
  Afterwards, I'd rent a car to travel down to Peggy's Cove and spend a couple days elsewhere at B&B's or perhaps even another hostel. They worked when I was in New Zealand travelling alone and they provided the chance to meet a whole raft of interesting people to chat with.
  Maybe this half of the trip could be an art tour so I'd spend some time painting whenever the urge strikes. It'd be more of a go-with-the-flow kind of travel.
  To finish the trip off I would spend a weekend visiting my daughter and future son-in-law and puttering around Halifax, seeing Citadel Hill, and a doing bit of shopping before flying home.
  I'd be gone a bit longer, eleven days, but I think this sounds like a really good plan. It's a trip I've waited a lifetime for. Since moving up from Nova Scotia to Ontario when I was eleven, I've never been back but have always wanted to go.
  Thank You, Lord, for providing the ways and means for me to do this trip. Thank You for guiding me to the idea of a bus tour.
  "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young--Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, My King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You. Selah." Ps 84:3-4


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