Friday 2 September 2016

List by Susan L.

  The closer my trip to Nova Scotia gets, the longer the "Honeydew List" grows. I keep waiting for a Honey to show up to do the list of chores but, no such luck. I'm it. There's housework, yard work like grass mowing, the car needs cleaning, and I have to pack. A trip to the grocery store for pet supplies and the drug store to get meds needs to be done...the list is growing!
  I'll be picking up my house-sitter on Tuesday so we can go over any questions. (Remember to gas up the car, fill the windshield washer, and check the air in the tires.)
  Monday, I can go online and do all the boarding pass stuff for the flight. It saves time at the airport.
  I'm still trying to figure out which suitcase to take, which carry-on. Will there be an opportunity to do laundry? A backpack would work to carry my art stuff and lunch stuff when hiking. Which purse? Big or small? Decisions, decisions...
  Okay, that's enough. The overwhelmies are starting to stir. Ugly critters they are and most unwelcome!
  A trip to the hairdresser's after work yesterday took care of a hair cut and getting my bangs coloured. This time they're a burnt orange. They'd been getting close to that colour as the crimson dye washed out anyways. My grand-daughter had gently reached up and touched "the fire" in my hair when I first arrived at my son's last weekend. Now I truly have fire coloured bangs. Yup, fire and ashes. For some reason there seems to be more ashes than the last time I had it cut!
  I haven't done much walking this week with being away and being busy. One more time on the trails before I leave should be sufficient. At least this ole body is in better shape than it had been. The sight seeing hike on the bus tour will probably be much slower anyways with plenty of rest opportunities to enjoy the views.
  A kid at Christmas couldn't be more excited than me right now!
  Thank You, Lord, for Your provision, Your guidance, and the blessing of this trip. Thank You that You will keep me safe in my travels. Thank You that I will have Your company in times when I am travelling alone and in the times I am travelling with strangers. In Jesus' name, AMEN!!
  "In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God." Jn 16:26-27

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...