Tuesday 20 March 2018

Affirmation #225

  I have received an unshakeable kingdom. Hebrews 12:28
  "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear." NKJV
  "Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." JCB

  Reverence: a profound adoring awed respect. It's an old word not heard much any more. It's definitely not one that has crossed my path in a long time yet reverence is part of my own faith. It's kneeling or standing silently before God, humbled and filled, worshipping Him through the language of my soul because, sometimes, words aren't enough. Sometimes there is no place for making a joyful noise. Sometimes there is no place for prayer. Sometimes there is only being present with Him, in the now of an eternal moment.
  Reverence is about coming to the foot of the Cross with grateful humility and an awareness of our own insignificant significance. What I mean by that is being aware of human frailty and our wayward natures. It's knowing God will forgive us because He has a place in His Kingdom, His heart, for every single soul that lived, lives, or will live. In that we are significant to Him, to His plan.
  We are His Kingdom's treasury.
  It's up to us to make the choice to reside there or not.

  My own understanding of a Kingdom is limited by trying to define it through what I know about kingdoms. Castles and moats, ramparts, borders, knights in shining armor, handsome princes, maidens fair, and dragons make up most of the fairy tale and historic kingdoms I am most familiar with. Then there is the happily ever after...yup, a fairy tale for sure! At least while we dwell on earth where there be real dragons.
  Yet, in earthly sorrows and poverty of spirit, there is found the priceless jewels of joy and comfort and assurance.
  So, can I wrap my head around God's Kingdom? No. Nor do I have to but I am filled with grateful, awe stuck wonder and amazement because His love, His Kingdom, stretches far beyond the moon and back. Even though I struggle to love Him back or to live through His incalculable love, He is changing me because I want, more than anything, to be changed, to slay the dragons.
  God's Kingdom is built on Christ, the Cornerstone carved by love. It's unlike any cornerstone the world has ever seen. Christ who is our solid, grounding foundation and the highest pinnacle of hope at the same time. Who will help us persevere until the dragons breathe their last. Whose death opened the gateway to life in His Father's Kingdom. A life that, even though it is in the here and now, extends beyond our mortal bodies and mortal understanding.
  Words cannot begin to describe...

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